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Títol:     La construcción de la profesión médica en Mallorca durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX
Canaleta-Safont, Maria Eva
Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts
Editor: Universitat de les Illes Balears
Director de la tesi: Miquel Novjara, Alexandre ; Moll Blanes, Isabel
Matèries en català: Història Contemporània -Contemporary History

[eng] The Sociology of the Professions has eventually agreed upon establishing the onset of the industrial revolution and the liberal state as driving forces of currently existing professions. This case study focuses on the changes that affected the medical profession in Mallorca during the second half of the 19th century. This profession was modeled under the influence of multiple professionalizing agents, among which quack doctors and “professional intruders”, were notably significant. Nonetheless professionalization came from within the very profession in which attention focused particularly on medical deontology and the control of working conditions, as well as the creation of the ideal doctor. Research has shown the significance of medical associations in the process, especially when such professional associations became mandatory. The medical profession in Mallorca during the studied period shifted from a profession of status to an occupational profession and henceforth became established in the “medical market” in a predominant way

Paraules clau de l'autor: 

Mallorca segle XIX, sociologia professions, professió mèdica, professionalització Medicina, intrusisme professional, curanders, deontologia mèdica, Història Social Mallorca

Mallorca siglo XIX, sociología de las profesiones, profesión médica, profesionalización Medicina, intrusismo profesional, curanderos, deontología médica, Historia Social Mallorca

Majorca 19th century, sociology of the professions, medical profession, medical professionalization, professional intrusion, non-professional healers, medical ethics, Mallorca Social History