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Títol:     Recompte hivernal d'aus aquàtiques i limícoles a Balears, gener 1994 i 1995
Autor/es Muñoz, Antoni ; Catchot, Santiago
Matèries en català: Ocells aquàtics -- Illes Balears -- Inventaris ; Ornitologia
Matèries en castella: Aves acuáticas -- Baleares (Comunidad Autónoma)
Matèries en anglès: Water birds -- Spain -- Balearic Islands -- Inventories ; Ornithology
Abstract:  [eng] Winter inventory of water birds and waders in the Balearic Islands, January 1994 and 1995. The results of the winter inventory of water birds and waders in the Balearic Islands for 1994 and 1995 are presented. In 1994, 15.368 birds of 55 species were counted; while in 1995 the birds counted were 15.545 belonging to 54 species, with 43 and 41 places visited respectively. The continuing tendency towards a decline in the winter population of the coot (Fulleo otra) from its high point in the winter of 1992 is noted. The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is confirmed as the most abundant species, and there continues to be a progressive increase in the winter population of shovelers (Anas clypeata).
Font:  Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears 1994, Vol. 9, pp. 61-67
Identificador:  1137-831x
Tipus de document:  info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Avís legal:  All rights reserved ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess