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Títol:     Primeres dades de nidificació del busqueret de garriga (Sylvia cantillans) a l'arxipèlag de Cabrera
Autor/es Gargalló, Gabriel
Matèries en català: Ocells -- Nius -- Illes Balears -- Cabrera ; Ornitologia
Matèries en castella: Aves -- Nidos -- Baleares (Comunidad Autónoma)
Matèries en anglès: Birds Nests -- Spain -- Balearic Islands -- Cabrera ; Ornithology
Abstract:  [eng] First data breeding of the Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia cantillans) in Cabrera Archipelago. It is explained that in Cabrera Gran between the lasts of April and beginnings of June of 1992 there were controlled a minimum of 10 territorial males of Subalpine Warbler (Svlvia cantillans) and were captured by ringing 25 birds. After this the 30 of June and 1 of July, were detected a mimimum of two familiar groups and were ringed two junior individuals and a female with a incubating plate. During the last fortnight of April and the first one of may of 1993 have been detected a minimum of 10 territories and have been ringed 20 more individuals in the same area with this data it is supposed that the breeding population it is well established in the island.
Font:  Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears 1992, Vol. 7, pp. 62-63
Identificador:  1137-831x
Tipus de document:  info:eu-repo/semantics/article ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Avís legal:  All rights reserved ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess